THE RUNDOWN: 06.04.2020 - 12.04.2020


On Monday all we did was go a regular walk. I didn't write about it at the time so quite frankly I do not remember it... 


Together on Tuesday we ran 3.5 miles, along the Victoria Park Nature Trail. The Nature Trail is short but is very definitely the best running spot nearby. It's also wide, which helps with avoiding other people. I then did some leg strength exercises. I've decided to put lower body strength workouts on the same day as my runs, as I find if I do it the day before runs my legs feel like wood for each and every mile. 


Another Wednesday walk playing the Rainbow game has left us at a 3-3 tie. We are thinking about leaving it at this - the game is fun (you should try it!) but it does rather get in the way of any decent conversation, "Oh did I tell you abou- RAINBOW!". This day I also lifted some weights to strengthen my back and arms. 


My husband really wasn't feeling his Thursday run, so we decided to walk instead. It has been nice and sunny in Glasgow this week, which really helps with the ol' spirit and means we get in some vitamin D on these daily walks. 


On Friday we ran 4 miles. I've been working on not stopping to walk during my runs and was proud of myself for managing to keep at a run the whole way, particularly as this run had been a muggy and hot one!


In the sunshine, we took a long walk along the rivers (Clyde, Kelvin and Canal). We passed three friend's houses and talked to them (with them inside, us outside, shouting from the street to their window) and then on the way back saw our neighbours in the garden too. It felt really normalising to get that little bit of social interaction, even at a 4+ metre distance away! I am finding the Kelvin river pathway stressful though, so many people not distancing appropriately and walking 3 abreast without moving over. 


Lastly, I ran my long run alone on Sunday evening (5 miles) . This was actually really nice, because it had gone quiet by then (everyone in eating their Easter dinner!). It was also useful to check that I can indeed still run alone.

The Rundown

  • 12.5 miles run.
  • 1 leg workout.
  • 1 gun building session.

Thoughts from the Week

  • There were times this week that I actually felt really lucky. To get to spend time at home with my husband. To eat breakfast every day. To drink coffee together and joke around in the kitchen at lunchtimes. To take life at a slower pace. 
  • This definitely felt like a week of settling in. Settling in to working from home. Settling in to a new routine. Settling in for the long haul. 
  • Strength work seemed harder this week. Perhaps just that step too boring and repetitive for the current situation? I think I need to look for ways to make it fun. 
  • Its frustrating to me that people seem to be looking for groups to blame - saying runners don't distance or cyclists should move further away from walkers. No one group (not that people only belong to one group either) have rights to the streets over the others. My personal experience is also of sitters, walkers, runners, and cyclists each not appropriately distancing at times. We should all be making the maximum effort to move as far away as possible, every time, rather than saying "group x should move out the way for me".  


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